Paw Prints, February and March


This month BARC administered 11 vaccines, adopted out 2 dogs and paid for two spays. We drove 518 miles to deliver 1268 pounds of dry dog food and 2 cases of canned dog food.

We have all heard the proverb “ It takes a village…”

We have money thanks to many generous donations. We have dog food thanks to many generous donations.We have many stray dogs whether we want them or not. Our two fosters have been caring for dogs for 4 months. What we need is more fosters to help with the near daily arrival of more strays.

BARC will not survive without the help of Bluff residents. One might imagine what would happen if BARC no longer

One might also ask if the Town of Bluff has a village.

Dudley Beck


When it seemed that urgent help could not be found, help arrived just in time as the stray dogs continue to show up:

Zak and Amanda are providing short term foster for cat friendly dogs.

Molly has been fostering for several months, taking the dog with her in her car when traveling to Page for work. She has recently found someone in Crested Butte Colorado to adopt.

Heather picked up another 6 week old puppy.

Stan and Elise from Red Mesa area continue to foster 10 strays.

Shannon from Monument Valley fosters 4 puppies that her mother found on the road. Steve and Janna continue to foster a gentle German short hair since mid December.

Al and Kathy have 4 strays.

Marx and Susie Bell look after the cats.

Dusty Paws continues to provide low cost vaccinations, spays and neutering and housing in a short term holding area.

BARC has provided 1400 pounds of dog good, one case of canned food and 135 pounds of cat food, driving 312 miles to assist with transports.

BARC has provided 14 vaccinations and paid for one spay.

Brian and Jennipher have found someone to adopt the stray they picked up near the Comb.

Three people have expressed interest in our friendly gentle short hair pointer, but “the timing is not right for adoption.”

Due to our inability to find placement, BARC has been paying for boarding services for three dogs this past month.

Underdog assists with food and placement when able.

Foster care remains the critical need.

Dudley Beck, BARC President

The Bluff Animal Rescue Committee (BARC) provides foster care, feeding, immunizations, spaying, and neutering of local cats and dogs. To donate, mail a check to the Bluff Animal Rescue Committee at PO Box 470, Bluff, UT 84512or donate online.